Children & Young People Companion Training
I loved the different seasons and how
they can relate to losing someone -
Train FACE TO FACE to become a certified Seasons for Growth Companion in the Children and Young People's Program. This professional development training is over two days by an authorised trainer and enables educators and professionals to run Seasons for Growth groups within their community.
Seasons for Growth provides the support and space for children and young people to:
- Learn about how different people respond to change, loss and grief
- Understand that it is normal to experience a range of grief reactions
- Explore new approaches to dealing with change, loss and grief in their lives
- Build communication, decision making and problem solving skills
- Participate in a supportive network of peers and adults
- Integrate their new learning into their relationships with family, friends and others
Please Note: Your attendance at the FULL TWO days training session is mandatory to enable you to deliver the program. We are unable to provide you with an attendance certificate if you have missed content.
Additional Information
- Catering - morning tea and lunch provided.
- You will receive a copy of the Companion Manual and journals on Day 1